City of Isleton

Special Meeting
January 15, 2025 06:30 PM
101 2nd Street, Iselton, CA 95641

Council Members
Mayor Iva Walton • Vice-Mayor David Kent • Councilmember Dean Dockery • Councilmember Pamela Bulahan • Councilmember Aleida Suarez

The public may participate and provide public comments in person and/or zoom. Please be advised that teleconferencing option is provided as a courtesy to the public. If, for any reason, there are technical difficulties, the City Council meeting will continue in person. Members of the public can dial in by phone at 408-638-0968. Enter the Personal Meeting ID 337-903-7904 #. Enter the Personal ID #. Enter the Passcode 123456#. How to Listen to or comment on the City Council Meeting via Zoom: 87418 

Meeting ID: 337 903 7904 

Passcode: 123456  


 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in this meeting, may contact Interim Co-City Manager Jon Kennedy, at (916) 777-7770, by fax at (916) 777-7775 or by email to at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 

  1. Call to Order
    • Roll Call

    • Pledge of Allegiance

  2. Public Comments
    DiscussionDiscussion CommentComment
    This is an opportunity for the public to speak to the Council on any item other than those listed for public hearing on this Agenda. Speakers are requested to use the podium in front of the Council and to begin by stating their name, whether they reside in Isleton and the name of the organization they represent if any. The Mayor may impose a time limit on any speaker depending on the number of people wanting to speak and the time available for the rest of the Agenda. In the event comments are related to an item scheduled on the Agenda, speakers will be asked to wait to make their comments until that item is being considered.
  3. Closed Session
    DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment
    • Public Employee Appointment

      Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 – Public Employee Appointment: City Manager / Interim City Manager 

  4. Contract with Sectaris Partners LLC for City Manager / Interim City Manager Services 
    DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment    View Item
    • Adjournment