City of Portola
City Manager for Planning Commission - Special Meeting
September 14, 2023 10:00 AM
35 Third Ave Portola, CA 96122
Interim City Manager Jon Kennedy
The City Council welcomes you to its meetings which are regularly held the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers. Your interest and participation is encouraged and welcome.
As a courtesy, the City Council meeting is also accessible to the public via live streaming at: or by phone at: Phone Number 1.669.900.6833; Meeting ID: 358 306 7836. Online and telephonic access does not guarantee the public the ability to observe the meeting in the event there is a disruption or connectivity issues that affect broadcasting. Members of the public who want to be assured that they have the ability to observe the meeting and make comment during the meeting, should attend the meeting in-person.
Any person desiring to address the City Council or any committee, commission or agency under the jurisdiction of the City Council, on any item not on the agenda may do so during public comment period. Public comment during the meeting will be accepted in person only.
Public Comment can be made on the online agenda by clicking on the "comment" section next to each agenda item listed below.
Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate the participation of persons with disabilities in the City’s public meetings. If special accommodation is needed, please notify the City at 530.832.6801 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting
Call to Order
Roll Call
Sermone Lot Line Adjustment
Possible Action
Comment View Item
Consider approval of Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) to adjust the existing lot line between two existing, non-conforming lots. 340 N. Pine Street (APN 125-207-014) and 117 E. Plumas Avenue (APN 125-207-013) - Notice of Determination 23-01
- Adjournment