City of Portola
Regular Meeting
January 08, 2025 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave, Portola, CA 96122
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Jim Murphy.A moment of silence was observed for the passing of Former President Jimmy Carter.
A moment of silence was observed for those affected by wildfires in the Los Angeles region.
Roll Call
Present: Mayor Jim Murphy, Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers, Councilmember Pat Morton
Absent: Councilmember Leah Turner, Councilmember Mikki Battaglia
Staff Present: City Manager Ryan Bonk, Finance Officer Susan Scarlett (Zoom), City Attorney Steve Gross (Zoom), Administrative Clerk Malachi Mansfield
Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Mayor Jim Murphy
Roll Call
Public Comments
City Communications
City Council Communications
Councilmember Morton: Councilmember Morton attended the Transportation Commision in December. Councilmember Morton also worked on the Angel Tree Project that served approximately 200 local children, and Eastern Plumas Community Assistance Network (EPCAN) served 400 meals.
Mayor Pro-Tem Powers: Mayor Pro-Tem Powers attended a Local Agency Formation Commision (LAFCo) meeting held in Chester, California.
Mayor Pro-Tem Powers also participated in the Transportation Commission.
Mayor Murphy: Mayor Murphy attended LAFCo.
Reports: Beckwourth Peak Fire Protection District/Plumas County Sheriff/Northern Sierra Air Quality District
No representative was available from the Beckwourth Peak Fire Protection District. City Manager Ryan Bonk stated that the report will be available in the next agenda.
Plumas County Sheriff Seargent Klundby: Seargent Klundby presented a report to the council. He stated that the sheriff's activity slows down during the winter months. The calls for service are as follows:
One hundred eighty-three calls for service in the surrounding area, ninety-three calls for service in the City of Portola, five welfare checks, nine disturbing the peace, eight suspicious calls, five crimes against people, seven property crimes, and two arrests related to controlled substances. Property crimes have been down throughout the county.
City Manager Ryan Bonk presented the air quality report as prepared by Councilmember Battaglia. A summary is as follows:
Residents are urged to use best practices when burning firewood to help reduce smoke output. Moisture meters are available to the public to ensure low moisture wood burning. Thirty-six heating devices were installed in the calendar year 2024. One hundred and two chimney sweep vouchers were redeemed.
Staff Communications
City Manager Report
City Manager Ryan Bonk presented the city manager report. A summary of that report follows:
The monitoring of the Gulling Street bridge is being presented. The details will be available under agenda item six of this agenda.
The city is in communication with FEMA members to secure funding for projects relating to the Gulling St. bridge. The city has sent a letter to the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) for review.
The work of Brian Attama was highlighted. Multiple vehicles have been removed in compliance with city ordinance. Six public nuisances have been addressed.
City Manager Ryan Bonk also summarized the work of the public works team. Public Works is continuing to repair potholes and fix manhole covers.
City Manager Ryan Bonk met with community stakeholders such as representatives from Sierra Butte Trail Stewardship, Lost & Found Gravel Festival, representatives from Feather River College, and Intermountain Disposal.
The city is focused on enhancing the user experience for the website.
2024 public records requests have increased to one hundred and seven requests. The request count is up from 2023 by 206%. Certified mail was sent in response to a request by "Scrintch", and it was returned.
Public Comment:
Lindsey Shaw: Commented.
City Manager Ryan Bonk responded that FEMA funding is not under the city's control. Bridge scheduling was also addressed.
Consent Agenda
Claims - Adopt Resolution No. 2602 authorizing payment of claims for Payroll for the period November 11, 2024 through December 27, 2024 and Accounts Payable for the period of November 12, 2024 through December 25, 2024.
Total Accounts Payable Claims: $165,364.51
Total Payroll Claims: $75,246.43
Total Claims: $240,611.12
Minutes of the Regular meeting December 11, 2024- Approve the minutes of the Regular meeting from December 11, 2024.
Renewal of Proclamations:
State of Emergency Gold Complex Fire July 22nd, 2024
State of Emergency Winter Storms January 27th, 2023
Public Comment:
Lindsey Shaw: Commented.
Councilmember Pat Morton motioned to approve. Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Jim Murphy Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Pat Morton Absent Councilmember Leah Turner Absent Councilmember Mikki Battaglia
Mayoral appointments
Mayor Jim Murphy reviewed the standing committee appointments. Councilmember Mikki Battaglia was substituted for Mayor Jim Murphy on the Airport Land Use Commission.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
Abstained 2 Absent Recused
Installation of Bridge Monitoring Equipment Agreement- Water & Earth Technologies, Inc.
Public Comment-
Lindsey Shaw: Commented.
Ashlee Sims: expressed concern over documentation and speed. Ashlee Sims also expressed concern over competitive bidding.
Finance Officer Susan Scarlett: Bridge monitoring is a critical issue that was decided with the counsel of Martin McIlroy, an engineering consultant for the city.
Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers: expressed relief at seeing the project advance. He also reminded the council that while the city is in an advantageous position financially, the general fund does not contain the funds necessary to initiate major bridge construction.
Councilmember Pat Morton motioned to approve. Mayor Jim Murphy seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Jim Murphy Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Pat Morton Absent Councilmember Leah Turner Absent Councilmember Mikki Battaglia
Ratify Agreement for Law Enforcement Services
The city approved the agreement for law enforcement services with Plumas County Sheriff's department in July of 2024. This agenda item is to ratify the agreement.
Public Comment:
Lindsey Shaw: Commented.
Ashlee Sims: wanted clarification from the council about how code enforcement is funded. She also expressed concerns over live-able wages for law enforcement.
The council confirmed that these funds are from the general funds.
Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers: elaborated on COPS funding source.
Finance Officer Susan Scarlett: elaborated further that the funding for law enforcement at the county level comes from property taxes as well. She also explained that law enforcement officer's wages are decided by the county.
Councilmember Pat Morton motioned to approve. Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Jim Murphy Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Pat Morton Absent Councilmember Leah Turner Absent Councilmember Mikki Battaglia
Draft Budget Schedule 2025-2026 Fiscal Year
The draft budget schedule for 2025-2026 was presented by Finance Officer Susan Scarlett. It includes an initial council staff goal setting for February 19th. The draft budget schedule includes dates for public participation. The draft budget schedule is anticipated to be adopted by June 25th, 2025.
The meeting of the city council adjourned at 6:51 PM.