City of Portola
Regular Meeting
January 22, 2025 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave, Portola, CA 96122
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Jim Murphy.A. Roll Call
Present: Mayor Jim Murphy, Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers, Councilmember Leah Turner, Councilmember Pat Morton, Councilmember Mikki Battaglia
B. Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Mayor Jim Murphy
C. Public Comment: None
City Communications
City Council Communications
Councilmember Leah Turner:
Councilmember Turner participated in a discussion related to the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Committee with Jennifer Langston. That committee contacted multiple agencies within the region.
Plumas County- District Attorney David Hollister stated informally that repeat offenders may be prosecuted.
Public Engagement Officer Brian Attama- cars are being towed and people are complying with notices.
Councilmember Pat Morton:
Councilmember Morton Attended a transportation meeting. Final numbers for the Angel program and EFCAMP programs are as follow:
Angel program: 240 children
EFCAMP: 600 people
Councilmemeber Mikki Battaglia:
Councilmemeber Battaglia attended the Fires Safe council meeting on January 9th.
Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers:
Mayor Pro-Tem Powers voiced his concern over the dryer than average winter and the possibility of wildfires. He stressed that owners of property need to be informed of the benefits of fire prevention even if they are not full-time residents of the City.
Mayor Jim Murphy:
Mayor Murphy encouraged the staff and council members to engage in committee meetings and budgetary meetings.
Reports: Beckwourth Peak Fire Protection District/Plumas County Sheriff/Northern Sierra Air Quality District
Beckwourth Peak Fire Protection District:
City Manager Ryan Bonk provided the city council with a report for review. Mr. Bonk noted that the district responded to 688 incidents in 2024.
Northern Sierra Air Quality Control District:
Councilmember Mikki Battaglia reported for the NSAQD. The City of Portola is on track to meet the older air quality standards of 12 mcg per cubic meter. Newer standards are 9 mcg per cubic meter.
Staff Communications
City Manager Report
City Manager Ryan Bonk provided an update on the Gulling St. Bridge on the city's website. The monitoring equipment was installed successfully on January 15th and 16th. The bridge monitoring equipment detects any minor shifts of the bridge. Mr. Bonk also commented on ongoing public works activities such as regrading of Taylor St. and fire hydrant maintenance. The new recycling center is waiting for Calrecycle to approve the facility.
Councilmember Turner pointed out that it is the City's responsibility to perform maintenance and testing on the fire hydrants.
Mayor Murphy expressed gratitude that the city was able to publish updated and accurate information regarding the Gulling St. Bridge.
Public Comment: None
Consent Agenda
Claims- Adopt Resolution No. 2603 authorizing payment of claims for Payroll for the period December 28, 2024 through January 10, 2025 and Accounts Payable for the period of December 26th, 2024 through January 10th, 2025.
Total Accounts Payable Claims: $184,806.65
Total Payroll Claims: $32,249.57
Total Claims: $217,056.22
Voids- 46662
Minutes of the Regular meeting January 8th, 2025- Approve the minutes of the Regular meeting from January 8th, 2025
Public Comment: None
Councilmember Pat Morton motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Jim Murphy Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Pat Morton Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Battaglia
Participation in Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
City Planning Consultant Karen Downs:
Karen Downs updated the council on the activities of MJLHMP. The council considered alternatives presented and voted to follow the recommendation of the staff as follows:
Based on review of the minimal limitations associated with a lapse in LHMP approval (from November 2025 to June 2026), and with input from Cal OES that the lapse would not affect the City’s eligibility for disaster reimbursement costs, staff recommends that the City Council abandon the “LHMP Light” update process and continue participation with the MJHMP process.
Public Comment: None
Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Councilmember Mikki Battaglia seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Jim Murphy Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Pat Morton Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Battaglia
Portola Youth and Tobacco: Smoke Free High County Presentation
The council heard a presentation from Regina Martinez on behalf of Smoke Free High Country regarding youth tobacco cessation.
City Attorney Steve Gross clarified and elaborated that administration of a new city ordinance would incur an administrative cost. These ordinances would require enforcement and compliance. Gross further clarified that it is possible that seeking an ordinance would require judicial support from the county.
City Attorney Steve Gross' comments in no way reflect a bias or negativity towards the proposed ordinance and his comments were provided strictly as matter of expert legal opinion.
Public Comment: Pastor Richard Blaire gave public comment in support of measures to reduce youth tobacco use.The council unanimously agreed that more information is needed on the subject. Regina Martinez will continue communication with City Manager Ryan Bonk.
Bank Account Signature Authorization and Removal
The motion to add Ryan Bonk and to remove Jon Kennedy as signatory authority on the city's financial accounts was voted on as follows:
Public Comment: None
Councilmember Mikki Battaglia motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Jim Murphy Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Pat Morton Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Battaglia
Agreement for Professional Services: TCE Solutions Inc.
Staff have prepared a report for the draft agreement for professional services. The services being considered are Senior Code Enforcement Services for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. The council finds the resource to be a valuable addition to the code enforcement efforts of the city. Councilmemeber Mikki Battaglia reports that Public Engagement Officer Brian Attama and Deputy Sherrif Seargent Klumby have both reported that that TCE Solutions have provided valuable contributions in the past.
The agreement will be in effect for fiscal year 2024-2025.Budget Breakdown:
Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2024-2025: $10,000
Not to Exceed Services Council Approval 07/10/2024: $15,000
YTD Spend: $12,902.50 (Includes $4,000 in towing costs that my be covered by abandoned vehicle abatement funds)
Estimated Balance: $12,097.50
TCE Solutions Inc. Not To Exceed: $12,000
Public Comment: None
Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Jim Murphy Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Pat Morton Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Battaglia
Resolution 2604- Adopting Rules of Decorum for Public Meetings
Approval of Resolution 2604- Adopting Rules of Decorum is recommended by the staff.
City Attorney Steve Gross commented to clarify some of the changes in the resolution from the normal statement at the beginning of meetings.
Public Comment: None
Councilmember Mikki Battaglia motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Jim Murphy Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Pat Morton Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Battaglia
Closed Session
Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) , Threat of Litigation, One Case.
No reportable action
The regular meeting of the city council adjourned at 8:15 p.m.