Indian Valley Community Services District

Regular Meeting
April 24, 2024 05:30 PM
127 Crescent St., Suite 5, Greenville, CA 95947

Board of Directors
Director Wanda Carpenter • Vice-Chair Susan Doran • Chair Kristine Gorbet • Director Mary Cronin • Director Andy Meyers


Public Comment: Non-Agenda Items

The board cannot take action on comments regarding non-agenda items. We do, however, value public input and will consider comments for future action. Comments on non-agenda items are not accepted at special meetings.

Public Comment: Agenda Items

The chairperson or presiding officer shall have the exclusive authority to recognize speakers from the public during the point of discussion and before is taken for each agenda item within the agenda. Although there is no time limit, comments are respectfully requested to be within 3 minutes per speaker per agenda item.


In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the clerk of the Board at 530-284-7224. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the IVCSD to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility {28 CFR ADA Title II}

  1. Call to Order
    • Roll Call

    • Pledge of Allegiance

  2. Approve the Agenda
    DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment
    • Public Comments
      DiscussionDiscussion CommentComment
      The board cannot take action on comments regarding non-agenda items. We do, however, value public input and will consider comments for future action.The chairperson or presiding officer shall have the exclusive authority to recognize speakers from the public during the point of discussion and before is taken for each agenda item within the agenda. Although there is no time limit, comments are respectfully requested to be within 3 minutes per speaker per agenda item.
    • Approve Meeting Minutes
      DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment    View Item
      • Financials Review: March 2024 Financials 
        DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment
        • General Manager Report: By Adam Cox
          DiscussionDiscussion CommentComment
          • Utility Operations Manager Report: By Mike Sundby
            DiscussionDiscussion CommentComment
            • Fire Chief Report: By Bob Orange
              DiscussionDiscussion CommentComment    View Item
              • Accept Donation of Land from Lassen Lodge #149 (Masonic Lodge)
                DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment    View Item

                The local Masonic Lodge (Lassen Lodge #149) wishes to donate its former lodge site at 204 Main Street (APN 110-061-013) to IVCSD for development of community facilities. As part of the conditions, IVCSD will commit to preserving/protecting as much of the original building as is feasible. All costs associated with the donation/transfer will be borne by IVCSD. 

                Approval of this item will authorize the General Manager to negotiate final terms, execute a purchase/transfer agreement, and record all appropriate real estate documents after review and approval by the District's legal counsel. 

                • Approve Out of State Travel for Fire Station Design Conference - Glendale, AZ
                  DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment

                  Approve and authorize the Fire Chief and up to one other staff or board member to attend the Fire Station Design Conference in May. This year's conference is being held in Glendale, Arizona. 

                  Conference registration, airfare, lodging and meals for two attendees is estimated at less than $2,500. 

                  • Approve Out of State Travel for Water Operator Testing - Reno, NV
                    DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment

                    Approve and authorize one employee to travel to Reno, NV for one night in order to take a water operator credentials test. Total cost is estimated at less than $500. 

                    • New Job Descriptions: Recreation Manager and Recreation Assistant 
                      DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment

                      Approve the creation of two new classifications (Recreation Manager and Recreation Assistant) and adopt the job description for each.

                      Additionally, authorize the General Manager to place each job on the most appropriate line of the IVCSD salary schedule and return to the Board for final approval.

                      These positions are intended to be hired by IVCSD under contract with Indian Valley Recreation and Parks District (IVRPD). 

                      • Update Plumas Bank Signature Card
                        DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment

                        Authorize an update to the Plumas Bank Signature Card authorizing all five board members, the General Manager, and the Financial Controller as signers and grant view-only access to the Business Manager. 

                        • Cemetery Updates
                          DiscussionDiscussion CommentComment

                          Updates on the Taylorsville Cemetery District and the Greenville Cemetery District. 

                          • Adjournment

                          Posted 12:42 am on March 14, 2025

                          This agenda was posted on the front window of the office of the Indian Valley Community Services District located at 127 Crescent St., Greenville, California, emailed to the Plumas News Editor, and posted at by March 14, 2025 12:42 am by the undersigned. Jennifer Ayres, IVCSD Clerk to the Board