Indian Valley Community Services District

Regular Meeting
October 30, 2024 05:30 PM
127 Crescent St., Suite 5, Greenville, CA 95947

Board of Directors
Director Wanda Carpenter • Vice-Chair Susan Doran • Chair Kristine Gorbet • Director Mary Cronin • Director Andy Meyers


Public Comment: Non-Agenda Items

The board cannot take action on comments regarding non-agenda items. We do, however, value public input and will consider comments for future action. Comments on non-agenda items are not accepted at special meetings.

Public Comment: Agenda Items

The chairperson or presiding officer shall have the exclusive authority to recognize speakers from the public during the point of discussion and before is taken for each agenda item within the agenda. Although there is no time limit, comments are respectfully requested to be within 3 minutes per speaker per agenda item.


In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the clerk of the Board at 530-284-7224. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the IVCSD to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility {28 CFR ADA Title II}

  1. Call to Order
    • Roll Call

    • Pledge of Allegiance

  2. Approve the Agenda
    DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment
    • Public Comments
      DiscussionDiscussion CommentComment
      The board cannot take action on comments regarding non-agenda items. We do, however, value public input and will consider comments for future action.The chairperson or presiding officer shall have the exclusive authority to recognize speakers from the public during the point of discussion and before is taken for each agenda item within the agenda. Although there is no time limit, comments are respectfully requested to be within 3 minutes per speaker per agenda item.
    • Approve Meeting Minutes
      DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment    View Item

      Approve Minutes from September 25th, 2024 

      • Financials Review: September, 2024
        DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment    View Item
        • General Manager Report: By Adam Cox
          DiscussionDiscussion CommentComment
          • Utility Operations Manager Report: By Mike Sundby
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            • Fire Chief Report: By Bob Orange
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              • Resolution 2024-02: MOU for Health Benefits - Special Districts Risk Management Authority (SDRMA) 
                DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment    View Item

                Approve and authorize the General Manager and/or Board Chair to sign Resolution 2024-02 and execute the MOU with SDRMA for Employee Health Benefits, effective January 1, 2025. This change in benefits provider was budgeted for and is needed to ensure that employees are able to access an effective provider network. The District's current Covered California plan has a network with few providers in our area.

                • Reschedule the Regular Board Meeting of December 25th, 2024 to December 18th, 2024
                  DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment
                  • Real Property Purchase: 208 Main Street and 209 Franklin Alley, Greenville
                    DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment

                    Randy Hovland, owner of these two properties - 208 Main Street (APN 110-061-012) and 209 Franklin Alley (APN 110-061-016) - has expressed his desire to sell them to IVCSD for the future Town Center project site. These parcels are immediately adjacent to the former Masonic Lodge site which IVCSD is in the process of accepting as a donation. The parcels are priced at $20,000 (209 Franklin) and $40,000 (208 Main) with a total price for both parcels being $60,000. 

                    It is recommended that the Board authorize the General Manager to negotiate final terms with Mr. Hovland, execute a real property purchase agreement, and cover all closing costs associated with the transaction. 

                    • Real Property Donation Acceptance: 107 Mill Street, Greenville
                      DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment

                      The Greenville Cy Hall Memorial Museum has tentatively offered to donate a small triangular piece of land they own at 107 Mill Street (APN 110-061-014) which was behind the Masonic Lodge. This slice of land is crucial to being able to build a swimming pool at the Town Center site.  

                      It is recommended that the Board authorize the General Manager to negotiate final terms with the Museum, execute a real property purchase agreement, and cover all closing costs associated with the transaction. 

                      • Board Policy 7000 - Fire Department Membership and Volunteer Application
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                        It is recommended that the Board approve the updated Board Policy 7000 - Fire Department Membership and Volunteer Application. 

                        • Sauers Engineering, Inc. Contract Amendment
                          DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment    View Item

                          It is recommended that the Board authorize the General Manager to sign Amendment #1 to the Sauers Engineering contract, extending the term of the contract from December 31, 2023 to December 31, 2025.

                          • Public Works Emergency Declaration: Calais Lift Station
                            DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment

                            It is recommended that the Board find and declare that a public works emergency exists at the Calais Lift Station and authorize the General Manager to let a contract(s) to effect emergency repairs, in accordance with Public Contract Code sections 22035 and 22050. 

                            The failure of the Calais Lift Station has caused sewage to begin backing up onto residential lots and is anticipated to get worse with winter precipitation due to infiltration and intrusion (I&I). Costs are anticipated to be within the $50,000 to $60,000 range but may vary depending on what our staff and contractor(s) finds in the repair process.

                            • Proposed Closing of the IVCSD Office Dec 24th, 2024-Jan 2nd, 2025
                              DiscussionDiscussion Possible ActionPossible Action CommentComment
                              • Adjournment

                                Posted 10:08 pm on March 13, 2025

                                This agenda was posted on the front window of the office of the Indian Valley Community Services District located at 127 Crescent St., Greenville, California, emailed to the Plumas News Editor, and posted at by March 13, 2025 10:08 pm by the undersigned. Jennifer Ayres, IVCSD Clerk to the Board