Indian Valley Community Services District
Regular Meeting
January 24, 2024 05:30 PM
127 Crescent St., Suite 5, Greenville, CA 95947
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:32 pm by Vice-Chair Susan Doran.
Roll Call
Present: Director Wanda Carpenter, Director Mary Cronin, Vice-Chair Susan Doran
Absent: Chair Kristine Gorbet
Staff Present: GM Adam Cox, Board Clerk Jennifer Ayres, Utility Project Manager Mike Sundby and Fire Chief Bob Orange
Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Vice-Chair Susan Doran
Roll Call
Approve the Agenda
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Mary Cronin seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
Abstained 1 Absent Recused
Public Comments
Laura Kearns representing IVRPD Pool Committee with a reminder that pool season is upon us and fundraising and preparation for the season is beginning.
Board Vacancy: Consideration of Appointment or Calling of Special Election
GM Cox said we need to appoint a new board member before February 1, 2024. There are currenly no applications from our posting. If IVCSD does not appoint someone the Plumas County Board of Supervisors can either apoint someone for us or call for a special election. We will call a Special Board Meeting for Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 5:30 pm in the event someone steps forward with a letter of interest.
Approve Meeting Minutes
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Mary Cronin seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
Abstained 1 Absent Recused
Financials Review: December 2023 Financials
GM Cox stated he was pleased with the current receivables. We have done better than expected with reimbursements from CAL OES for FEMA items relating to the Dixie Fire.
Customers have been coming in to the office to take care of their past due balances as they are receiving their fire settlements.
We had to take $150,000 from the CLASS account to supplement our checking account for some large invoices that we needed to pay and it has already been replenished. The CLASS account is currently earning $30,000 per month in interest.
Things have been running normally other than the purchase of a new fire truck.
We are lookiing at having a Financial Committee meeting within the next month.
Director Mary Cronin motioned to approve. Director Wanda Carpenter seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
Abstained 1 Absent Recused
General Manager Report: By Adam Cox
GM Cox has set a tentative meeting date for Strategic Planning on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. The meeting will run from 10 am - 4/5:00 pm. An email will be sent prior with information for the meeting. We are We had a zoom meeting recently regarding the rate study and the information should be complete and ready for the Strategic Planning meeting.
GM Cox is working on an RFP for the Greenville Park for some Landscape Architecture Firms to get bids on a full refurbishment of Greenville Park. Then we can seek some funding for the project. We do have a list from stakeholders as to what those needs are. The ball field is in bad condition and is the number one priority. We will need figure out once the bids come in as to how large of a scope the project is and if we want to break this work up into a couple of years. Once the bids come back they will be reviewed by the board and we will award a contract.
We have started using the new agenda software by CivAssist. It looks a bit different than what we have used in the past. It is locally owned and created by the City Manager of Portola. It is very user friendly and employees say it is a good improvement and a time saver. It is also easier for the public to submit comments right on the agenda and and email would be sent to the office.
Crescent Mills Fire Department Annex Resoultion will be on the agenda for next month's board meeting.
The 2022-2023 Audit was completed in October. Last fiscal year we performed much better than the prior year with fewer findings.The audit will be presented by Clay Singleton's office at the March board meeting. Some of our loans require that we have an audit done yearly for the prior year.
We are moving again on the Alternate FEMA Project to construct a new well with a high capacity pump and new tanks to have more pressure and capacity in the event of a fire.This project has not been approved by FEMA as of yet but it is making it's way through their various approval processes. We don't own any suitable land to put this on and it will require the purchase of property. Sauers Engineering and a hydrologist are identifying the top sites that are available. We will work with property owners to do some test wells and then will identify the property and will work with propert owners to purchase it. An approximate timeline would be 2-3 years out.
We have been working with the engineers through the Dixie Fire Collaborative to assist in the creation of an infrastructure for the entire valley. This team is assisting with creating a microgrid in Greenville. Our services will be a central part of the microgrid. We would work with PG&E in such a way to create lines that could be shut off if needed. They are interested in the Biomass Energy Plant we are proposing and they are also interested in Geo Thermal Energy. Their final report is due in August and we will be able to take a look at it then.This will have options for us and will not require any items that have to be done. This infrastructure may provide us with a road map of future projects that we would take a look at.
Utility Operations Manager Report: By Mike Sundby
Fire Chief Report: By Bob Orange
Closed Session
Conference with Labor Negotiators -
Agency Negotiator: Chair Kristine Gorbet
Unrepresented Party: General Manager Adam Cox
No reportable action
Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957
Employee Position: General Manager
No reportable action
Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957
No reportable action
Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1)
Case: Towers vs. IVCSD - CV2023-00209
Case: IVCSD vs. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (Dixie Fire litigation)
Item was discussed
Report on Closed Session Items
No reportable action. Closed Session began at 6:36 pm and reconviened at 7:02pm.
General Manager Employment Agreement
No reportable action
Financial Controller Job Description
No reportable action
Meeting adjourned at 7:06 pm.
Posted 12:04 am on March 14, 2025
This agenda was posted on the front window of the office of the Indian Valley Community Services District located at 127 Crescent St., Greenville, California, emailed to the Plumas News Editor, and posted at by March 14, 2025 12:04 am by the undersigned. Jennifer Ayres, IVCSD Clerk to the Board