Indian Valley Community Services District
Regular Meeting
August 28, 2024 05:30 PM
127 Crescent St., Suite 5, Greenville, CA 95947
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:31 pm by Chair Kristine Gorbet.The meeting was called to order at 5:31PM by Chair Gorbet. Chair Gorbet did not vote on items as the agenda did not reflect her remote participation.
Roll Call
Present: Director Wanda Carpenter, Chair Kristine Gorbet, Director Mary Cronin, Director Andy Meyers
Absent: Vice-Chair Susan Doran
Staff Present: GM-Adam Cox, Board Clerk-Jennifer Ayres, Billing Specialist-Jessica Johnson, Project Utility Manager-Mike Sundby and Fire Chief-Bob Orange
Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Chair Kristine Gorbet
Roll Call
Approve the Agenda
Gorbet - no vote
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Andy Meyers seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor Opposed
Abstained 1 Absent Recused
Public Comments
Laura Kearns from Taylorsville- Thanking IVCSD for a great fun filled year at the Taylorsville Pool. Laura wanted to voice her concerns about Agenda item #10, Annexation of Indian Valley Recreation and Park District- Asked the board to please consider community comments on the importance of a well maintained pool in Taylorsville.
Approve Meeting Minutes
Gorbet - no vote
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Andy Meyers seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor Opposed
Abstained 1 Absent Recused
Financials Review: July 2024 Financials
Will review next meeting on 09/25/2024
General Manager Report: By Adam Cox
Plumas County is putting together a multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan. Plumas County was awarded a grant to hire a consultant to write the (MJHMP). GM Cox had submitted a letter of interest last year that IVCSD would like to participate in the process. This will assist in future mitigation grants for IVCSD and Plumas County.
The BRIC Study(Building Resilience In Communities) in which Plumas County received a $500,000 grant on behalf of IVCSD for the reservoir is now underway. The results of the BRIC Study will give IVCSD ideas on projects that will protect the reservoir and the water, and enable the resilience in the community by using the reservoir, and alternative uses of the reservoir possibly recreationally. The Study should be finished by the end of 2025.
PG&E has reached out with a mediation date set for September 10, 2024 regarding the initial opening offer for the Dixie Fire losses in 2021.
There will be a meeting call with Arcadis on August 29, 2024 regarding the EPA Community Change Grant, Indian Valley Recreation and Park District voted and approved to help with the cost up to half. GM Cox has also applied for a grant to help cover up to a third of the cost to help cut down the cost for all involved.
GM Cox is looking into leasing IVCSD commercial properties for cell tower space which would bring in a few thousand a month.
Utility Operations Manager Report: By Mike Sundby
Fire Chief Report: By Bob Orange
New Job Description: Administrative Supervisor
Gorbet - no vote
Director Mary Cronin motioned to approve. Director Andy Meyers seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor Opposed
Abstained 1 Absent Recused
Appoint 2 Board Members to an Ad Hoc Committee to Discuss a Potential Annexation of Indian Valley Recreation and Parks District
Kristine Gorbet and Andy Meyers were chosen as Indian Valley Community Services District Board Members to assist in Ad Hoc Committee for potential Annexation of Indian Valley Recreation and Park District.
Gorbet - no vote
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Mary Cronin seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor Opposed
Abstained 1 Absent Recused
Review Draft Final Budget for FY 2024-25
This item was tabled to next Board Meeting on September 25, 2024
Update Plumas Bank Signature Card and Umpqua Bank Signature Card
The Board has approved to remove Business Manager Jennifer Ayres and replace her with Administrative Supervisor Jessica Johnson on the Plumas Bank Signature Card and Umpqua Bank Signature Card.
Gorbet - no vote
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Mary Cronin seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor Opposed
Abstained 1 Absent Recused
Motion to Adjourn was made by Director Wanda Carpenter and a second was made by Mary Cornin. Meeting was adjourned by 7:11PM.
Posted 12:52 am on March 14, 2025
This agenda was posted on the front window of the office of the Indian Valley Community Services District located at 127 Crescent St., Greenville, California, emailed to the Plumas News Editor, and posted at by March 14, 2025 12:52 am by the undersigned. Jennifer Ayres, IVCSD Clerk to the Board