Chester Public Utility District

Agenda 03/26/2024 - Public Comments

2. Agenda Approval (0 Public Comment).
3. Public Comments (0 Public Comment).
4. Approval of Meeting Minutes (1 Public Comment).
5. Approve Financials (0 Public Comment).
6. Presentation: White Paper regarding Measures B and CĀ  (0 Public Comment).
7. General Manager Report: Adam Cox (0 Public Comment).
8. Fire Chief Report: Matthew Balzarini (0 Public Comment).
9. Utility Operations Manager: Allan Homme (0 Public Comment).
10. Update from Board Policy Ad Hoc Committee (0 Public Comment).
11. Local Union Representatives (0 Public Comment).
12. Update Resolution #410 Credit Card Holders and Limits (0 Public Comment).
13. Public Comment: Non Agenda Items (0 Public Comment).
15. Reconvene and Report on Closed Session (0 Public Comment).
16. CorrespondenceĀ  (0 Public Comment).
17. Comments (0 Public Comment).